Contributors vii
1. A Career Out of Control (Maybe) 1
James L. Bess
New York University
2. Accountability, Assessment, and the Scholarship
of “Best Practice” 57
Alicia C. Dowd and Vincent P. Tong
University of Southern California and Gateway Community College
3. Striving for What? Exploring the Pursuit of Prestige 121
KerryAnn O’Meara
University of Massachusetts Amherst
4. ‘Outsiders’, Student Subcultures, and the Massification
of Higher Education 181
Richard Flacks and Scott L. Thomas
University of California and University of Georgia
5. Teachers’ Nonverbal Behavior and its Effects on Students 219
Elisha Babad
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
6. The Pell Program at Thirty Years 281
Bradley R. Curs, Larry D. Singell, Jr. and Glen R. Waddell
University of Missouri-Columbia, University of Oregon and University of Oregon
7. The Political Economy of Redistribution Through Higher
Education Subsidies 335
William R. Doyle
Peabody College of Vanderbilt University
8. Adjusting for Nonresponse in Surveys 411
Gary R. Pike
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
9. Neoliberal Policies and Community College Faculty Work 451
John S. Levin
University of California, Riverside
10. Signals and Strategies in Hiring Faculty of Color 497
Franklin A. Tuitt, Mary Ann Danowitz Sagaria
and Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner
University of Denver, University of Denver and Arizona State University
11. Marketing Sameness: Consumerism, Commercialism,
and the Status Quo 537
Deron R. Boyles
Georgia State University
Contents of Previous Volumes 583
Subject Index 597
Author Index 601