黄重梅 特聘教授







2016年-2020年:澳大利亚莫纳什大学 护理学专业 博士

2013年-2016年:中南大学 护理学专业 硕士

2007年-2011年:长沙医学院 护理学专业 学士


2024年至今:澳门开彩结果记录查询护理学院对外交流办公室 主任









论文( *通讯作者):

1.Wang, C., Wang, Q., Liu, M., Tang, S., Huang, C*., & Huang, X. (2024). Effectiveness of psychological interventions among community-dwelling older adults with subthreshold depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders.

2.Chen, Q., Halili, X., Chen, W., Zhao, J., Castro, A. R., Tang, S., ... & Huang, C*. (2023). Academic and Clinical Nurses’ Perceptions and Experiences on Academic-Practice Partnership in Evidence-Based Practice: An Interpretive Description. Journal of Nursing Management, 2023.

3.Guan, Z., Huang, C*., Sun, M., Bai, X., & Tang, S. (2023). Caregiving Burden and Positive Aspects of Caregiving in Schizophrenia: Mediating Roles of Hope and Social Support. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 45, 7-13.

4.Wang, J., Zhong, Y., Ding, J., Chen, Q., Jiao, J., & Huang, C*. (2022). Psychosocial Experiences of Front-Line Nurses Working During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hubei, China: A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 780139.

5.Xiao, J., Ding, J., & Huang, C*. (2022). Notion of a good death for patients with cancer: a qualitative systematic review protocol. BMJ open, 12(5), e056104.

6.Huang, C., Plummer, V., Lam, L., & Cross, W. (2020). Perceptions of Shared Decision-Making in Severe Mental Illness: An Integrative Review. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental health Nursing, 27(2):103-127.

7.Huang, C., Plummer, V., Lam, L., & Cross, W. (2020). Translation and Psychometric Testing of a Decision‐Making Scale. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 27(5):533-542.

8.Huang, C., Plummer, V., Wang, Y., Lam, L., & Cross, W (2020). I am the Person Who Knows Myself Best: Views on SDM among hospitalized People Diagnosed with Schizophrenia in China. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 29(5): 846-855.

9.Huang, C., Plummer, V., Lam, L., & Cross, W. (2020). Shared Decision-Making in Serious Mental Illness: A comparative Study. Patient Education and Counselling, 103(8):1637-1644.

10.Huang, C., Lam, L., Plummer, V., & Cross, W. (2021) Feeling Responsible: family caregivers' attitudes and experiences of shared decision-making regarding people diagnosed with schizophrenia: a qualitative study. Patient Education and Counselling. 104 (7):1553-1559

11.Huang, C., Lam, L., Zhong, Y.P. Plummer, V., & Cross, W. (2021) Chinese mental health professionals’ perceptions of shared decision-making regarding people diagnosed with schizophrenia: a qualitative study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 30(1):189-199.

12.Chen, Q., Huang, C., Castro, A. R., & Tang, S. (2021). Instruments for measuring nursing research competence: a protocol for a scoping review. BMJ open.11(2):e042325.

13.Dai, Y., Huang, C., Ding, J., & Qin, X. (2021). Association between use of cardiovascular medicines and risk of mild cognitive function impairment and dementia amongst people living with cardiovascular diseases: a systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis.

14.王晴,黄晓婷,唐四元,黄重梅*.即时适配干预在护理领域中的应用进展.中华护理杂志.2024 59(04)

15.黄重梅, 汪健健, 唐四元, & 孙玫. (2018). 精神分裂症患者康复需求问卷修订及信效度检验. 中国公共卫生, 34(07):98-101.

16.黄重梅,孙玫,冯辉. 不同语言版本慢性病保健评估量表的应用现状(ACIC).中国全科医学,2015,18(7): 853-855.


1.参译:《Behavioral Intervention Research: Designing, Evaluating and Implementing》,人民卫生出版社,北京(待出版)




2020年至今:International Journal of Mental Health Nursing(JCR 1区)审稿人

2022年至今:Journal of Nursing Management(JCR 1区)审稿人